Premium Ready Mix Concrete Products and Service in Dallas, Tx.
Ready Mix Concrete
Brothers Ready Mix Concrete is a leading provider of ready-mix concrete in Dallas Tx. Whether you need ready-mix concrete for your commercial or residential construction project, we can supply you with quality pre-mixed concrete at the best price on the market.
What is Ready Mix Concrete?
Concrete is a material made up of cement, aggregates, water and additives as the main ingredients. Concrete can be molded into different shapes, is durable, and is the most attractive building material in terms of its compressive strength as it offers the highest strength at unit cost. Its increasing use is essential for sustainable construction.
Brothres Ready Mix Concrete offers a special portfolio of concrete, comprised of products such as ultra-fast-setting, crack-resistant, self-compacting, architectural, permeable concrete and many more.
Sustainable benefits of ready mix concrete
Ready Mix Concrete is a key component of sustainable construction: durability, resistance to harsh environments, reflectivity, and the ability to store energy, among others.
Our clients can design sustainable buildings that can take advantage of the benefits of concrete in a wide range of applications.
Commercial and residential
- Structures: Self-compacting concrete improves the strength and durability of building structures while reducing the use of energy and noise due to concrete vibrations.
- Wrapping: Lightweight structural concrete or insulating concrete formwork provide insulating solutions to improve the energy efficiency of buildings.
- Construction Design: The ability of concrete to store energy its thermal mass minimizes temperature fluctuations in a building throughout the day, reducing the need for additional heating or cooling.
Roads and Pavements
- Paving: Concrete roads are durable and need little maintenance. They require less energy for street lighting, keep urban areas cooler, and reduce the urban heat island effect.

Highly Durable – Best Value for Money!
The superior quality of ready mix concrete ensures higher stability and durability in the buildings. It last for many years and does not get impacted by extreme heat of the sun. The result? The structure stays crack-free and damage-free, which in turn conserves resources and reduces the maintenance cost.
We are here to answer any questions or concerns you have. Only through close relationships and continuous dialogue can we better meet your needs.